The title of the film and release date – where does it appear in the trailer? Why?
the title appears at 1m 45s it is layered and the titles color is blood red because it is horror
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On-screen text gives important information about the film, including the stars, directors, producers, tag line, title and release date. Show examples and discuss.
the director of this trailer is David Kirschner
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Music is essential in trailers as it can suggest the genre, style and plot of the film. Describe it – does it get louder at certain parts? Why?
Powerful voiceovers draw our attention to key points of the film. Describe the voice over.
Key moments from the film - not placed in the sequence of the film, and do not give away any crucial plot details. Montage editing – provide screen shots of a sequence.
Names of director/ producer - helps audiences to make connections between the film being trailed and previously successful films. Screen shots needed.
Names of stars - lets audiences know who they can expect to see in the film. Screen shot the star – why would they do that?
Watch the trailer and make notes – then type these up with screen shots as