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film trailer analysis


What are the “elements” of most film trailers?

The beginning of your trailer should introduce the main characters, the setting, and the film's premise; the middle should heighten the conflict, and the end should feature a climax.

What specific techniques are used in trailers?

  • Long shots to establish character, setting and the 'dilemma'

Who is the audience for the trailer that you have chosen?

How do you know?

What is the length of most trailers? And why?

Does watching a trailer make you desire more information?

What is the primary purpose of the trailer?

How are trailers distributed?

Where do we see them?


At what point in the trailer are we told the name of the film?

Why is this?

Why are we told who is starring in the film?

How is this information given to us?

What clues does the music give us as to what type of film the trailer is?

What can you say about the voice of the person delivering the voiceover?

What effect does it have?

What information are we given in the very last frame of the trailer?


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